Audaces y elegantes, estas grandes gafas de sol clásicas con montura de cuerno cuentan con lentes polarizadas de espejo de colores. Completas con detalles de remaches metálicos y patillas anchas y elegantes, estas gafas de sol polarizadas con montura de cuerno son un accesorio imprescindible. Fabricado con una montura a base de acetato, bisagras de metal y lentes polarizadas con protección UV.
Ancho de la lente: 55 mm Puente nasal: 18 mm Altura de la lente: 43 mm Ancho total: 140 mm
Envío gratuito a partir de $ 25 para clientes nacionales de EE. UU.
These used to be my favorite decently priced sunglasses. They would last 1-2 years. Now I’m lucky to get 6 months out of them. They feel cheap, and the plastic is brittle. The lenses pop out very easy. Not what they used to be.
These used to be so nice. Over the years they have lost quality. The lenses are thin and constantly pop out. I used to get 1-2 years out of them, now I’m lucky to get 6 months.
Barry B.
Did y'all change these? I've ordered them before and the frames were more of a matte black plastic and these are shiny and very cheap looking. They look like the free sunglasses you get at a 5k.
Austin H.
Love these retro yet modern shades
Trevor S.
I thought i had ordered the matte again but these are nice too
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