Añade un toque sofisticado a tu look con estas gafas informales rectangulares con filtro de luz azul. Con una forma rectangular retro con detalles de borde grueso. Completos con detalles metálicos en las patillas, estos elegantes y elegantes anteojos son perfectos para el uso diario. Mejoradas con tecnología de bloqueo de luz azul, estas gafas lo protegerán de la dañina luz azul emitida por dispositivos digitales. Úselos mientras navega por la web, juega videojuegos o etiqueta a zeroUV en Instagram. Fabricado con un marco de plástico, bisagras de metal y lentes transparentes de luz azul.
I must say that I'm very pleasantly surprised with the quality of the frame. Those are easily designer quality, even better. I wonder why you're selling them at a much cheaper price than they are actually worth of.
My only issue is my own fault, which was basically a risk I took knowingly; how'd they fit on to my face. So, these specs are PERFECT except they're a bit oversized for my face. I'd still order from this store again, and again, and again, because the quality they're offering and at the price, it's worth every nickel and dime. Very very under-rated specs store.
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