Atrévete a ser audaz con las gafas bloqueadoras de luz azul con montura de cuerno gruesa de zeroUV. Con una elegante lente plana cuadrada y una silueta de gran tamaño, estas gafas destacadas se completan con patillas altas y detalles metálicos. La combinación perfecta de retro y único, estos tonos son imprescindibles esta temporada ya que ofrecen protección contra la dañina luz azul.
Ancho de la lente: 50 mm Puente nasal: 20 mm Altura de la lente: 47 mm Ancho total: 145 mm
Envío gratuito a partir de $ 25 para clientes nacionales de EE. UU.
Very comfortable fit. Great neutral color to go with any outfit. If I am out working at a covid-safe coffee shop, I look fabulous doing it and protecting my eyes at the same time. Doesn't hug the head tightly and I can wear them for a few hours without feeling the weight or pressure of them. I don't like feeling the glasses sitting there on my face.
Danielle E.
These are fabulous and comfortable. Very stylish and protects the eyes against blue light very well.
Danielle E.
This is literally my back up pair. I love these glasses so much. Stylish and protecting the eyes from computer screen light. Amazing for writers!
Amira A.
Comfortable and perfect size
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