Estas gafas de sol rectangulares han dado un toque moderno al estilo clásico de los 90. El diseño de metal sin montura tiene todo lo que necesitas para añadir un toque retro a tu look. Elige entre lentes neutros o degradados. Acabado con una montura de metal, piezas nasales ajustables de estilo inglés, bisagras de metal y lentes 100% con protección UV.
Ancho de la lente: 57 mm Puente nasal: 20 mm Altura de la lente: 57 mm Ancho total: 140 mm
Envío gratuito a partir de $ 25 para clientes nacionales de EE. UU.
I love your glasses. Bought the "cat" glasses, the large ones--love them! Then bought the square ones, shaded violet--like them very much.
NOW--I really hope someone is reading this because I am ready to send you my all-time favorite pair of glasses with the hope that your company could copy the design!!!! I am 74 years old, that's the reason I have not included recent pictures!! However, in the box with the glasses from 30 years ago are 3 pictures of me wearing them. I do not need them returned, they were prescription glasses, I no longer need prescription glasses--have searched everywhere for similar styles and they don't seem to exist. If you can make them--I would buy them!! The glasses are octagonal and lightly shaded-unique. Please let me know if I can send them. Elaine Taylor
kella w.
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